A little bit weird, a little bit political with a lot of humor.
historyishere's Articles In Religion
November 11, 2004 by historyishere
Well, it should be clear by now where I stand on Scientology .... so the fact that I am posting this quiz should come as no surprise to anyone. Basically, 15 passages are presented and you have to decide if they appeared in the World Weekly News(a very odd tabloid) or are quotes from Scientological documents. Here are the results of your test: Your score: 53.333% You scored 8 out of 15 questions correct. Which is a little disappointing for me, because I should be able to spot...
December 6, 2004 by historyishere
Mignuna told us all to go to Hell , I decided to see WHERE in Hell I'd be going, so I decided to look for an old quiz I had done a few years ago using Dante's Inferno as a guide. Now, I told you all that I was mean and spiteful and all that, and no one believed me. Of course, the Quiz got to the bottom of that, and got to the bottom of it well. Where I am going to end up: Level 5- The river Styx runs through this level of Hell, and in it are punished the wrathful and the gloom...