A little bit weird, a little bit political with a lot of humor.
historyishere's Articles In Internet
September 17, 2004 by historyishere
I was at ebaum's world today and I found this old new report from the mid-90's, and I found it very interesting. It reminded me of when I first got online. The thing I first noticed when watching it was they refered to "the internet" as just "internet"... so it sounds sort of weird to my ears. And then John Allan started talking.... and said this: There is not a lot of cursing or swearing, there is not a lot of personal cuts, there is not a lot of putdowns that one would expect to ...
October 27, 2004 by historyishere
Following in the footsteps of Texas Wahine's Are you White Trash article based on a quiz and my own article based from a similar quiz at that site called How evil are you , I decided to explore the site a little further and discovered something which should appeal to us all... ...our internet addiction level. I knew going into it I was highly addicted to this information medium... so I was a little surprised by my results. I AM 41% INTERNET ADDICTED! I could go either way. Deep i...
November 10, 2004 by historyishere
Get it before Trogdor gets you..... Its a great day for DVD entertainment indeed! All the easter eggs are included, plus some new material. Three Cheers for the Brothers Chap and Missy Palmer!