A little bit weird, a little bit political with a lot of humor.
Bush battles a question on Native Affairs... and loses
Published on September 16, 2004 By historyishere In Politics
After watching this Quicktime video does anyone get the feeling Bush doesn't understand what 'sovereignty' in this particular case means?

Honestly, I haven't seen that kind of clarity in an answer since Jean Chretien said: "A proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof. And when you have a good proof, it's because it's proven."

Comments (Page 3)
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on Sep 17, 2004
Assuming they really believe Bush is dumb, has it become ok to make fun of dumb people? How about crippled people? Mentally retarded?

Which one of these is Bush, just for my knowledge? I want to be sure I call him the right thing. Is he going to ride a short bus in the parade if he gets re-elected? I just want to know if he is a moron, or really a retard. If he's really a certifiable mental case, I'll lay off him. If he's just an out-of-touch dim-bulb, well then, he's fair game. I lost my compassion for this guy after he sent over 1000 people to their deaths by using lies.
on Sep 17, 2004
It's interesting to hear the justifications.

"Well, it's ok to make fun of a dumb person because ..."

I've already heard all the justifications for doing something that is wrong. Justifications don't make it right to make fun of handicapped people.

Now this is ironic. I'm telling liberals it's not right to make fun of dumb people and they are trying to tell me why it's ok in certain cases.

on Sep 17, 2004

Reply #30 By: RATM4EVA - 9/17/2004 2:16:46 PM
Wow. That was one hell of an answer.

Sorry but the 2 posts in front of yours were referring to Kerry NOT Bush!
on Sep 17, 2004
Or that time he was in Ann Arbor and he apparently said he loved the Buckeyes....

That is one that will live forever in Wolverine history, I was suprised he made it out of there alive that day.

I mean saying Buckeyes to Wolverines and how he loved them, I thought he was so dead it was not funny anymore, guess it shows Bush Haters hate Bush so much they are willing to accept a man who loves Buckeyes in the land of the Wolverines.

on Sep 17, 2004

on Sep 17, 2004
That is one that will live forever in Wolverine history, I was suprised he made it out of there alive that day.

I said the same thing when I read about it on someone else's blog....
on Sep 17, 2004
Which one of these is Bush, just for my knowledge? I want to be sure I call him the right thing. Is he going to ride a short bus in the parade if he gets re-elected? I just want to know if he is a moron, or really a retard.

i already answered your question already, none of the above. Seems to me that you classify anyone who disagrees with you as an idiot or a cripple...

Reply #30 By: RATM4EVA - 9/17/2004 2:16:46 PM
Wow. That was one hell of an answer.

Sorry but the 2 posts in front of yours were referring to Kerry NOT Bush!

yeah... just goes to show we all say stupid things sometimes, now doesnt it?
on Sep 17, 2004
Seems to me that Bush is a *public* figure. As such, parody and ridicule are *considered* fair game. Or do all of you turn off Letterman or Leno *whenever* you hear them picking on anyone?

Or do you laugh and wait for more ... ?


on Sep 18, 2004
Well, given two of my previous blog entries, you know my answer to that Jay
on Sep 18, 2004
Sorry but the 2 posts in front of yours were referring to Kerry NOT Bush!

I have no idea what you're talking about, but I was talking about Bush's response to the Tribal question. He sounded like he had no idea what "tribal sovereignty" is. It's one thing to mis-pronounce words or call Africa a nation in Africa, but to be stumped on such an easy question...
on Sep 18, 2004
Or that time he was in Ann Arbor and he apparently said he loved the Buckeyes....

F*ck yea! the BUCKEYES RULE!!!
on Sep 18, 2004
Did anyone notice that people were laughing while he was struggling to give an answer?
on Sep 18, 2004
Gore's lockbox was another good one.
on Sep 18, 2004
Gore's lockbox was another good one.

Yeah, for someone who "invented the internet" he was using a turn of phrase that was almost... stagecoachy....
on Sep 18, 2004
Of course he has. He referred to Lambeau Field as "Lambert Field" basically losing the Wisconsin cheesehead vote.

That faux pas won't cost him as much as you think. There's no way Kerry loses Dane County (Madison), and it's unlikely he'll lose Milwaukee County as well. If Bush is to win Wisconsin, he's going to have to rely on more than a misstatement in Brown County to do it. A stupid comment by Kerry in Green Bay will not cost him the endorsement of the unions (paper mills, meat packing); his strong anti-gun positions over the years are far more likely to put the nail in his coffin (Wisconsin is a HUGE hunting state).
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