A little bit weird, a little bit political with a lot of humor.
Bush battles a question on Native Affairs... and loses
Published on September 16, 2004 By historyishere In Politics
After watching this Quicktime video does anyone get the feeling Bush doesn't understand what 'sovereignty' in this particular case means?

Honestly, I haven't seen that kind of clarity in an answer since Jean Chretien said: "A proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof. And when you have a good proof, it's because it's proven."

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 16, 2004
Bush is in no way dumb, crippled, or retarded.

But Timmy is, and Timmy is Timmy.

Also Jimmy is like Timmy as well.



on Sep 16, 2004
on Sep 16, 2004
"It surprises me that, given that it has always been considered rude and crass to make fun of dumb people (intellectually challenged for you PC folks), this behaviour has become so prevalent on the left."

It's okay to make fun of them when they become the most powerful men in the world. We generally expect our world leaders to be intelligent because it is supposed to be a necessary qualification for the job. It's like having an engineer with no engineering degree.
on Sep 16, 2004
My only wish is that the media would start reporting the issues that are important to America rather than Swift Boat Veterans Who Lie and Texans for Microsoft Word. Maybe then the candidates would use less mud and bile and more time discussing Health Care, Deficit Reduction, a Smarter more SENSITIVE (lol) war on terror, and bringing the intelligence community quickly into the 21st century. Oh....and....

Jimmy: le le let's jo join the cr crips...
Timmy: TIMMY!!!!!!!
on Sep 16, 2004
Oh , and you never made fun of Bill Clinton

No, I never made fun of Bill Clinton. I think he's an intelligent man and very politically intuitive. I don't agree with some of his political views, though.

And yes, my mother did teach me not to make fun of handicapped people, no matter what their problem.
on Sep 16, 2004
It's okay to make fun of them when they become the most powerful men in the world.

I don't agree. I believe it's wrong regardless of who they are.

You sound like a man I used to work for. He was always demeaning black people and felt justified doing it. He could go on for hours telling you why it was ok to do so.
on Sep 16, 2004
Swift Boat Veterans Who Lie and Texans for Microsoft Word

and dont forget Moore.... (how can i tell your a democrat?)
on Sep 16, 2004
Texans for Microsoft Word is picking on Texans for Truth, a pro-Kerry organization....thus I picked on one group from each side....not exactly "showing my hand"... I will tell you that I have voted for both Dems and Repubs depending on who I believe would do a better job
on Sep 16, 2004
I don't think Bush is stupid but I do think he misspeaks often. Though I have to say if there was a camera on most of us every time we said anything we would all be embarassed by some of the stuff played back to us. I know I say the wrong things sometime but there is not permanent record of it so I can just laugh it off and go on with my life.
on Sep 16, 2004
I don't think Bush is stupid but I do think he misspeaks often. Though I have to say if there was a camera on most of us every time we said anything we would all be embarassed by some of the stuff played back to us. I know I say the wrong things sometime but there is not permanent record of it so I can just laugh it off and go on with my life.

Hear Here.
on Sep 16, 2004
I still think Chretien was funnier. . I couldn't stop repeating that when I heard it on TV.

Bush on sovereignty - forgettable. .

on Sep 16, 2004
Bush on sovereignty - forgettable. .

Well it depends on whose sovereignty too
on Sep 17, 2004
And I suppose John "effing" Kerry NEVER made ANY mistakes?

Of course he has. He referred to Lambeau Field as "Lambert Field" basically losing the Wisconsin cheesehead vote.
on Sep 17, 2004
Or that time he was in Ann Arbor and he apparently said he loved the Buckeyes....
on Sep 17, 2004
Wow. That was one hell of an answer. I can't believe that man is president of the USA. I remember he went to Africa and said it was a "nation" that needed help. He repeated it a few times too.
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