A little bit weird, a little bit political with a lot of humor.
A tough blow to John Kerry?
Published on August 12, 2004 By historyishere In Politics

Someone sent me an interesting ad/movie today. Now, as you all know, I'm not a big fan of Bush, and I've rather enjoyed watching the Daily Show catch members of his administration in lies and misrepresentations. The RNC-Bush/Cheney have basically done that very same thing to Kerry about the Iraq War while I don't like who made it, it was admittedly well done, starting with his statements at the DNC that he would never mislead the country into war. It then goes through in order a number of statements he made on television and in the papers that reflect poorly on his later positions. I remember someone bringing up the Dean's arguments against the Iraq War being co-opted by Kerry when it was in his best interests to do so, and this movie also supports that claim. 

Reluctantly, I have to give them credit... they did their homework on this, and he comes off really bad.


I think that Bush has quite a stunning set of weapons to use against Kerry in a debate now, and I don't know enough about some of Kerry's other statements to refute anything in it. Perhaps someone else can, but as it stands... its rather damning. 

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 12, 2004
I'm glad someone put it all together in one stream like that for people who haven't been paying attention.  None of this was news to me.  I think the part where all the Dems were discussing issues when trying to pick a candidate was very poignant.  John Kerry wants to have it every way.  He wants to be for and against every issue especially concerning the war.  Thanks for the link.
on Aug 12, 2004
Someone needs to make a Kerry Vs. Kerry Debate video. It's easy to find audio clips and video clips where he "stands" on BOTH sides of the issue. He could debate himself on just about every topic. THAT would be a fun video to watch.
on Aug 12, 2004
Someone needs to make a Kerry Vs. Kerry Debate video.

I second that.
on Aug 12, 2004
Wow. That's goood.

on Aug 12, 2004
Heh, a political media fight......how, interesting....

What will they think of next?,
on Aug 12, 2004
as they say back home... oooff da!
on Aug 12, 2004
I'm third for the Kerry vs. Kerry video. That's a great idea.

greywar, is there any chance you're swedish or norwegian? 'Cause my mom says she called me "uff-dah" when I was enwombed. Can't remember which part of Scandanavia that is--I'm part both, anyway. Cheers.
on Aug 13, 2004
I was at a Dick Cheney rally in Battle Creek where they showed this video. It was very scathing. Best part was the flipper music.
on Aug 13, 2004
Im getting sick of republicans doing this negative stuff. Its not what he has on his record or what he said. It is what will he do for families and the economy. Who will get our country better. Bush has not done anything to answer those questions. The republicans are attacking when they are not helping the country. Who has the best plan. Bush is showing me nothing. Who cares about the Vietnam thing. I want a better America.Not a selfish of who is to get more votes. It is who can provide what our country needs. Bush has already had his chance. We have seen nothing in 4 years. Kerry deserves a chance. It is not about the democrats or republicans or any party winning the spot. It is who is the best for that position.
on Aug 13, 2004

Dubz, holy cow. You been in a cave all year? Check out the BS at moveon.org. Check out Michael Moore's stuff. Check out the drivel coming from hollywood celebreties.

When I purchase a product or service, I look at what it does before I purchase it.  The problem with Kerry is that you don't know what you're buying into. All I know is that I want Islamic terrorism dealt with now rather than after they acquire nastier weapons. The people who run around saying you can't defeat islamic terrorists are the same people who probably thought that you couldn't bring down the Soviet Union -- people like John Kerry.

on Aug 13, 2004
Im getting sick of republicans doing this negative stuff.

I'm glad they finally climbed out of the mountain of s**t piled on them by the anyone-but-Bush crowd and put his nuts to the fire. In his own words and deeds he has demonstrated he has no moral compass or guiding principles save one - getting elected no matter what - and this little campaign spot does nothing but hold up a mirror to the man. His arrogance goes beyond the pale. I find it personally repugnant. I disagree with Bush's positions on a lot of issues, but I know where he stands and respect him for making decisions & sticking with them, not constantly holding his wet finger to the political winds to see which way they are blowing. And I don't believe Kerry takes the terrorist threat seriously. I started to add ", down deep." and then remembered there is no "deep" there.

on Aug 13, 2004
Tensions are high. Hold off till the debates.
on Aug 13, 2004
Tensions are high. Hold off till the debates.

Hold off for what? For Kerry to say what he really means, at that moment, in that particular place, under that particular set of circumstances, with those people present, until he means something else at a different time, in a different place, under a different set of circumstances, with other people present, until...?

I've heard with my own ears [as opposed to someone else's ears ] a couple of audio clips of Kerry, first speaking to a gathering of autoworkers in Detroit, second to a group of environmentalists a month or two later. He bragged to the autoworkers (bragged is the right word here when you hear his inflection & tone) about a long list of vehicles he owns (or never really owned, if you ask him now) including a number of SUV's & semi-vintage gas-guzzlers, chatting them up like he was just a regular carburator-head oohing & aahing about the hemi in this & the horsepower of that. Different story altogether with the enviros - oh, the family owns a couple of small high-MPG SUV's, but he really doesn't own them himself, and certainly doesn't drive them, and he's thinking seriously about a hybrid for his next vehicle... It was pathetic, to be kind. Kerry is a chameleon in the most pejorative sense of the word.


on Aug 13, 2004
And as long as I'm on a roll, if Kerry manages to lie his way into the White House, I plan to be one of the first contributors to the anyone-but-Kerry campaign; maybe call it MoveHimOut.org or something. It should have a more honest name than MoveOn.org, which is much too vague considering its reason for being.

on Aug 13, 2004
What is so sad is that so many people (you would think half of america but I'm betting its more like 1/3) either don't notice what Kerry really is or simply do not care. They see Bush as this monster instead of a decent man. They believe in hatred and class envy and have more animosity towards their own country than against real life enemies who would kill all of us if they could.

I wish this 12 minute video could be seen on prime time one night for all of america to digest. How would Kerry bounce back from that the next day?

And for those who would say "then there should be a 12 minute movie against Bush on prime time also"... what would you call the Micheal Moore movie which every hollywood critic drooled over. What would you call the months or even years of negative press coverage about Bush? Twelve minutes of truth about Kerry would hardly balance things out timewise but these 12 minutes would destroy Kerry where all the movies and press and books against Bush havn't really dented him at all. Because the things they say about Bush arent true and this little movie about Kerry is.
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