A little bit weird, a little bit political with a lot of humor.
A tough blow to John Kerry?
Published on August 12, 2004 By historyishere In Politics

Someone sent me an interesting ad/movie today. Now, as you all know, I'm not a big fan of Bush, and I've rather enjoyed watching the Daily Show catch members of his administration in lies and misrepresentations. The RNC-Bush/Cheney have basically done that very same thing to Kerry about the Iraq War while I don't like who made it, it was admittedly well done, starting with his statements at the DNC that he would never mislead the country into war. It then goes through in order a number of statements he made on television and in the papers that reflect poorly on his later positions. I remember someone bringing up the Dean's arguments against the Iraq War being co-opted by Kerry when it was in his best interests to do so, and this movie also supports that claim. 

Reluctantly, I have to give them credit... they did their homework on this, and he comes off really bad.


I think that Bush has quite a stunning set of weapons to use against Kerry in a debate now, and I don't know enough about some of Kerry's other statements to refute anything in it. Perhaps someone else can, but as it stands... its rather damning. 

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 13, 2004
all the movies and press and books against Bush havn't really dented him at all.

Sadly, I'm afraid he has indeed been wounded by them, just far less than the left would hope. Too many folks see Alec Baldwin-types with rabies & figure they must be on to something, without really thinking things through. Of course, the elite left figures anyone for Bush is just another hopeless lemming, so you could argue we're even on that score. But the right at least gives the left its due & listens. The left wants nothing to do with the right - they seem to have a visceral fear of the right, like maybe we'll go all postal & kick dirt on their Manolo Blaniks. They leave the room after a political discussion with a Bush supporter wondering how they'll ever get the smell out of their clothes. Other than that, the left & right are like this.

One of my business partners has such a visceral hatred for Bush that a sane political discussion with him is impossible - I mention the word "Bush" and his face flushes and he looks like his head will explode any second. Great guy, just can't be rational about this. Unfortunately, he seems representative in my experience to date.

on Aug 14, 2004

One of my business partners has such a visceral hatred for Bush that a sane political discussion with him is impossible

I can relate to this experience.  Bush has a way of making liberals lose their minds!  I have one friend who, in other respects seems like a pretty cool minded person but when you mention Bush she practically foams at the mouth.  I asked her what her reasons were.  The best answer she offered was "I couldn't stand his father and I can't stand him".  Didn't give any reason for hating Sr either.  I just don't get it.

on Aug 15, 2004
Jilluser: Irrationality is not a solely left-minded thing. I remember meeting foaming-at-the-mouth anti-Clintonites...

Helix the II: Or there could be Fathers United against Candidate Kerry... but I don't think that society would last too long.
on Aug 15, 2004

Jilluser: Irrationality is not a solely left-minded thing.

Where did I say it was?  I only commented that Bush has a way of making liberals lose their minds.  I know plenty of people who still foam about Clinton.  I personally don't understand foaming about either.

Helix, Mother's Against Candidate Kerry would be Mack.org, wouldn't it?

on Aug 15, 2004
Ok JillUser... I think I misunderstood what you meant. I think we are in total agreement now.
on Aug 19, 2004
Helix: He'd not only be the vice-president, he'd also be a client. Wait... that's hair club for men, and we know that's an organization he doesn't belong to.
on Aug 19, 2004
Now, would that be the Republicans or one of their 527's? Cause Michael Moore is a Green, not a Democrat. And the White House has disavowed any knowledge of the Swift Boat ad scandal that one of their 527's have been airing. Yes, I said there's. We all know Moveon.org is slanted Demo, and these Swift Boat Boys are slanted Republican.
on Aug 19, 2004
The video at the end says its paid for by Bush-Cheney/The Republican National Committee, so its not a not-for-profit organization.
on Aug 20, 2004

Cause Michael Moore is a Green, not a Democrat

Actually someone dug into that and Moore is a registered Democrat.


Moore also endorsed General Clark if you recall, a Democrat. He now endorses Kerry.

The stats also show that the 527s are overwhelmingly (in terms of spending -- 2 to 1) left wing.

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