A little bit weird, a little bit political with a lot of humor.
The small joys in life
Published on December 7, 2004 By historyishere In Misc
It took me 4 weeks ot false starts to take on the Sunday New York TImes Crossword, I finally conquered one last night.


*plays the Rocky Music and leaps in jubilation*

Thank you Florida Key, Mr, Will Shortz and Elizabeth C. Gorski! Who would have thought that knowing Olestra, Basalt, Lilith, and Knossos would pay off.

Now, let's see if I can make it two weeks in a row.

on Dec 07, 2004

well done, m

*applauds your supreme effort*

mig XXX

on Dec 07, 2004
Keep up the good work
on Dec 07, 2004
woo hooo..congrats...those are pretty difficult...I think I'll stick to the word scrambles lol
on Dec 07, 2004
I remember when I finished my first NYT puzzle. I was eight and my parents took me out to eat afterward. Later, I was diagnosted as a compulsive liar.



edit: I'm leaving "diagnosted" because it's funny. -a.

on Dec 07, 2004
Later, I was diagnosted as a compulsive liar.

So that's how you got into writing

woo hooo..congrats...those are pretty difficult...I think I'll stick to the word scrambles lol

I remember seeing a 60 minutes report with Will Shortz where he said that Mondays crosswords are the easiest ones and they get progressively harder through Sunday.

on Dec 08, 2004

I've never even finished 5% of any crossword puzzle before...I never get the clues.
on Dec 08, 2004
I doubt I can do it again this Sunday though....