A little bit weird, a little bit political with a lot of humor.
Published on October 25, 2004 By historyishere In Humor
Texas Wahine posted a quiz on being white trash, which I took with glee, and while I was at that site, I discovered my deep dark secret..... GASP, its almost too much too bear! It turns out that I am.... I am

I am 81% Evil....


"You are pure evil. You lie awake at night devising schemes of world domination, and you will not rest until all living souls bend to your will."

Who would have thunk it... me, an evil genius!

I admit that yes, I do laugh like Dr. Evil sometimes, and its true that I have been know to engage in evil thoughts... but I never put it together until I took this quiz!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 25, 2004
Gotta love an article with my name in the title!

Sadly, I come nowhere close to your level of evil genius.

29% Evil Genius

You want to be evil. You do evil things. But given the opportunity, and a darn good reason you may turn to the good side. Besides you are probably a miserable evil genius.

*BTW . . . I suspected you were evil all along *
on Oct 25, 2004
So, you are the diet coke of evil.
on Oct 25, 2004
Yeah baby! Perfect way to describe me.

Actually, I really expected to show up as LESS evil than I did . . . guess I was in denial.
on Oct 25, 2004
You're a mom near hallowe'en.... you sort of have to be a bit more evil this time of year....
on Oct 25, 2004
You're my nemisis!
I thwart evil. I am definitely the “Good guy” type. Evil runs from my aurora of all things good and right. Look out James Bond.
I guess someone has to foil evil plans.
EDIT: I've tried fixing it, and this is best I can do.
on Oct 25, 2004
I don't expect you to talk mister Bond, I expect you to DIE!
on Oct 25, 2004
You're a mom near hallowe'en.... you sort of have to be a bit more evil this time of year....

The most gloriously evil time of year!

I love Halloween . . . it rivals Christmas as my favorite holiday. The only problem is my irrational fear of Halloween masks.
on Oct 25, 2004
As we get closer to halloween, I am going to post a picture of the costume I wore to our office party.... my boss was on the phone with someone, took one look at me and just exclaimed "holy shit!". Now that's an evil costume.
on Oct 25, 2004
I'm an ("i'm Bond, James Bond...") i knew it from the start :

You thwart evil. You are definitely the “Good guy” type. Evil runs from your aurora of all things good and right. Look out James Bond.

on Oct 25, 2004
Sounds scary . . . you'll have to warn me before you post it!

I don't think I've ever been anything scary . . . as a child I've been Wonder Woman, a non-scary witch, a princess . . . as an adult I've been an M&M (there were other M&Ms, too . . . it wasn't just me!), a Spartan cheerleader, and Buttercup (Power Puff Girls). I love dressing my boys up for Halloween, but I usually only dress up if we have a party or something. My favorite was when my youngest was about one and he was a sumo wrestler. Way cool!
on Oct 25, 2004
It wasn't scary scary... it was just... very surprising.... especially for 12 bucks out of pocket for it.
on Oct 25, 2004
Now I have to see it . . . hmmm . . . $12 . . . really surprising . . . makes the boss say "holy shit!" . . . it's got to be good!
on Oct 25, 2004
The story gets better after that too... I'll probably post it tomorrow
on Oct 25, 2004
Evil courses through my blood. Lies and deceit motivate my evil deeds. Crushing the weaklings and idiots that do nothing but interfere in my doings.

I invented internet! In least, it looks like al gore...
on Oct 25, 2004
Al Gore! To borrow from chip's vernacular, Bwahahahahaha!
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