A little bit weird, a little bit political with a lot of humor.
The games people play
Published on September 7, 2004 By historyishere In Websites

Games make the world go round to paraphrase Moe Syzlak, so it seemed like as good a time as any to do suggest a few flash/java-game related sites. Have fun, and remember, its just a game! 

Pogo - http://www.pogo.com

Pogo is an online gaming site associated with Electronic Arts, which has a nice twist to it.... the possibility that you can win money by playing... either through instant prizes at the completion of a game or by trading in gaming points for tickets for daily, weekly and monthly drawings. With games like Chess, Checkers and pool, there are a lot of opportunities for multi-player action in money games as well, not to mention internet-only versions of some of EA's older franchises. I think my favorite game they have at the site is something called "Sweet Tooth", which is a seemingly simple game of rearrangement which becomes almost addictive over time. And there are a lot of gambling type games as well... slots, blackjack, poker... so if you like those kinds of games, you can have a satisfying experience here too. Registration is required to keep tabs of your points.

Y! Games - http://games.yahoo.com/

How could I talk about online gaming without mentioning Y! Games. I mean, I think for casual at work gaming, it is hard to surpass. Relatively quick load times, with games of both the simple single player variety to two or more player games like their versions of the classics like Scrabble, Battleship, Mahjong and a lot of other non-trademarked games. Personally, I always liked the games of "Dots" and "What Word", as both games tickle both my creative and strategic sides, but I am sure that if you haven't been there, you will find something you will like.

Channel 4.com- Games - http://www.channel4.com/entertainment/games/

Not so much a unified product of a single company, the collection of games and reviews at Channel 4.com, the site of BBC 4, is staggering. There are literally hundreds of games represented here, all of which have been reviewed and are presented with short synopses so you know what you are about to play. I have found some great treasures here, but like many treasures, you have to do some digging to find them, as there is also quite a few bad games represented here as well. I have seen a lot of strange and engaging games here, including a few that I am ashamed to admit that I actually liked. I'll never tell you what those games are... but I will hint that one of them involved petting animated cats. Enough said.

Now, let's go a bit off the beaten path.

YetiSports - http://www.yetisports.org

By now, I'm sure we've all played the Yeti batting game with the penguins, whether in its original form or in one of the weird internet variations of this same game. Well, not content to rest on the laurels of having one successful Yeti related game, the makers of that classic piece of internet fun have devised not 1, not 2, not even three but six new events... including a pentathlon. And while I thought the series was initially cruel, my heart has really warmed to it, as I can see with the additional events like Albatross Overload, that these antics are all in good fun. 

Its Your Turn - http://www.itsyourturn.com

Play-by-Email games have been around since... well, since email has been around really(and really the concept is probably as old as the Royal Post). Most of the time, you have to actually have a copy of a game to do PBEM, but one site has a different idea on that matter. At Its Your Turn, you can play any number of classic, non-trademarked games against friends and foes alike. The PBEM scheme also allows players to move at their leisure, and play a game while at work or in the midst of doing other things without committing a lot of time at once to playing a game. Generally, I've found it a nice way to unwind with a distant friend, as you are allowed to send a message along with your move at the site.Ladder and Tournament play is also available. 

QUICK BIT: Homestar Runner Games, for a comedy cartoon site, the games they have are pretty fun... and very old school too. 

Well, I hope these links have given your web life a bit more variety. Come back next week when I will be reviewing a few more sites that are off-the-beaten path.

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The Electronic Fringe- August 31- September 6 - The Boob Tube Online 
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on Sep 10, 2004
I have all the Yeti games and they rock!
on Sep 10, 2004
Which one is your favorite though?