The Vocem Chart Locator of American Politics
Some told me about The Vocem Chart Locator of American Politics, and I found it so interesting(though a little crude in implementation) that I thought I would share it with everyone here.
If you don't know what a Vocem chart is(and I didn't when I first heard about this quiz), it is a political chart that has a third dimension to it, so it can make differentiations based on fiscal, corporate and cultural issues, so instead of having a line(2 general areas) or a square(4 general areas) as a reflection of your political spectrum, a Vocem chart is more like a cube with 8 regions, four in the front and four in the back. A longer, and better thought-out explanation of this concept is available here.
The quiz is 25 questions, and it gives how closely you fit into one of the 8 squares. My own results were as follows.
1: Liberal (100%) Big surprise
2: New Labour (75%)
3: Anarcho-syndicalist (73%)
4: Totalitarian (63%)
5: Libertarian (46%)
6: Traditional Societies (44%)
7: Authoritarian (35%)
8: Conservative (13%)
And here is the breakdown of where those categories would appear on the cube:
Back bottom right: conservative
Back top right: authoritarian
Front bottom right: the pattern of traditional societies (those without social and technological change with each generation)
Front top right: totalitarian
Back bottom left: libertarian
Back top left: New Labour
Front bottom left: anarcho-syndicalist
Front top left: liberal
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.