A little bit weird, a little bit political with a lot of humor.
The Vocem Chart Locator of American Politics
Published on September 1, 2004 By historyishere In Politics
Some told me about The Vocem Chart Locator of American Politics, and I found it so interesting(though a little crude in implementation) that I thought I would share it with everyone here.

If you don't know what a Vocem chart is(and I didn't when I first heard about this quiz), it is a political chart that has a third dimension to it, so it can make differentiations based on fiscal, corporate and cultural issues, so instead of having a line(2 general areas) or a square(4 general areas) as a reflection of your political spectrum, a Vocem chart is more like a cube with 8 regions, four in the front and four in the back. A longer, and better thought-out explanation of this concept is available here.

The quiz is 25 questions, and it gives how closely you fit into one of the 8 squares. My own results were as follows.

1: Liberal (100%) Big surprise
2: New Labour (75%)
3: Anarcho-syndicalist (73%)
4: Totalitarian (63%)
5: Libertarian (46%)
6: Traditional Societies (44%)
7: Authoritarian (35%)
8: Conservative (13%)

And here is the breakdown of where those categories would appear on the cube:

Back bottom right: conservative
Back top right: authoritarian
Front bottom right: the pattern of traditional societies (those without social and technological change with each generation)
Front top right: totalitarian
Back bottom left: libertarian
Back top left: New Labour
Front bottom left: anarcho-syndicalist
Front top left: liberal

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Sep 05, 2004
Hehehe, yeah, you know we have Amish here in Indiana, and all I can say is, would it hurt a little if they used deodorant, come on it's not that big of sin for them, and more people would talk to them and be friendly towards them.
on Sep 05, 2004
or soap? Then again, that is a fat-load of lye there....

I think its the thing with the buttons that makes people so intolerant of the Amish... who doesn't like the button....
on Sep 05, 2004
"Buttons, Buttons, who's got the Button?" - Willy Wonka (Gene Wilder) I think if I remember right, but somebody will correct me if I am wrong.
on Sep 05, 2004
No, you got it right.... just don't push the red button!

on Sep 06, 2004
The Libertarian Party has an excellent political quiz at www.lp.org
on Sep 06, 2004
another good site is www.politicalcompass.org
on Sep 07, 2004
1: Liberal (100%)
2: New Labour (76%)
3: Anarcho-syndicalist (68%)
4: Totalitarian (61%)
5: Libertarian (44%)
6: Traditional Societies (35%)
7: Authoritarian (33%)
8: Conservative (3%)

BAM!!!!!!!!! I am the least conservative person! Boo-yah! In yah face! And yes, many of the questions were far to wordy and too specific. Especially the marijuana question.
on Sep 07, 2004
usfbulls101: Well, depending on who you talk to here, that isn't necessarily a good thing.
on Sep 07, 2004
Rank Item Percent
1: Liberal (100%)
2: New Labour (75%)
3: Totalitarian (72%)
4: Anarcho-syndicalist (68%)
5: Traditional Societies (47%)
6: Libertarian (43%)
7: Authoritarian (42%)
8: Conservative (13%)

Here's their quiz: the presidential selector - Link

on Sep 08, 2004
No, you got it right.... just don't push the red button!

No, not the wed one....NEVER push the wed one (shades of Looney Tunes past)!
on Sep 17, 2004

I was looking for this map for a while... it goes along with the Nationstates game.... and it also sort of follows the precepts of the three-dimensional system... but with 27 regions instead of a mere 8.
on Sep 17, 2004
1: Liberal (100%)
2: New Labour (74%)
3: Anarcho-syndicalist (73%)
4: Totalitarian (66%)
5: Libertarian (45%)
6: Traditional Societies (45%)
7: Authoritarian (38%)
8: Conservative (15%)

*laugh* Not surprising at all. Let's get high.
on Sep 17, 2004
Rank Item Percent
1: Liberal (100%)
2: New Labour (87%)
3: Totalitarian (85%)
4: Anarcho-syndicalist (80%)
5: Authoritarian (79%)
6: Traditional Societies (69%)
7: Libertarian (67%)
8: Conservative (65%)

Ok, I knew I was liberal...but 100% liberal AND 65% conservative? I am soooo weird. Serves me right for having a degree in Economics with one major being in Industrial Relations...
on Sep 17, 2004
on Sep 17, 2004
This test is American???? Look at how they spell "labor."
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