A little bit weird, a little bit political with a lot of humor.
A very messed up album title from JoA
Published on August 28, 2004 By historyishere In Music

Joan of Arc, Dick Cheney, Mark Twain. Perhaps the weirdest album title I'll see all year. I mean, they have a song on the album called "The Title Track of This Album". Meant to be funny. Who can say?

Joan of Arc... are you trying to mess with me over here... seriously , you're trying to punk me with that title, right? I'm not saying I don't like what you do as musicians... but sometimes... you are a bit strange... then again, after In Rape Fantasy and Terror Sex We Trust, I should have expected the unconventional from you. A ten piece band... pure lunacy these days! I mean, who ever heard of such a thing... you go to far!

The Gary Gulman moment is over I guess.

A lovingly ambivalent fan in a post full of sound and fury, signifying nothing,


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