A little bit weird, a little bit political with a lot of humor.
A story like this makes it to Yahoo! News
Published on August 27, 2004 By historyishere In Humor
So, you're a Montana State University student, going through the Montana border back into US, and you have to answer the call of nature... and you end up clogging the toilet at the small-town border station. Well, that is rather embarrassing in and of itself. But it doesn't stop there.... you get arrested for clogging the toilet because the authorities think you did it on purpose. OK, its getting a lot more embarassing now.

But wait... there's more. Because you are a resident of Great Falls... well, the story of your arrest and the reasons for it make it to their daily newspaper... so everyone back where you used to live now knows that you clogged a toilet in a public place and got charged with criminal mischief. And as if that wasn't bad enough.... Yahoo decides to pick up the story and literally millions now have an opportunity to read it and know that this guy clogged a toilet... with his name and college included so people know exactly who he is at school, home and abroad.

There is one great thing about this story though... it means that there was one less really horrible thing going on in the world so there was room to include that. I guess that's the beauty of the slow news day.

Well, that and it was a good laugh at someone else's expense. I bet he's hoping his 15 minutes of infamy are over soon.

on Aug 27, 2004
DAMMIT! One of our al-Kohler operatives is down! And this had to happen on MY watch!
on Aug 27, 2004
It's not spelled al-Colon?
on Aug 27, 2004
I heard this on the radio this morning and I cracked up. Riciculous doesn't say enough.
on Aug 27, 2004
I can't believe the media picks up stories like these. Sheesh.

As for the border, blech. This confirms my suspician that the American patrol guards are way more annoying than the Canadians. My Canadian friends say the same thing.
on Aug 28, 2004
I'd just hate to be that guy though... I mean, mocked on the radio, and in the newspaper and on the internet, and on some blogs(let's face it, probably a lot of blogs )

I can just imagine this guy single near the end of the year, chatting up this girl, and she finds out his last name, thinks about it for a second and remarks, "Aren't you that guy that clogged that toilet at the border?" Or when he's talking to his kids and one of his old college buddies visits and recounts that story to them 15 years from now. I tell you, this story will probably never go away for this poor guy.