A little bit weird, a little bit political with a lot of humor.
Wow! College students like to drink.Who knew?
Published on August 23, 2004 By historyishere In Misc

Well, here's a real shocker. Apparently drinking is really popular with college students. Who would've thunk it? And what's more, apparently they spend as much on alcohol than they do on books AND food combined. Ok, true, it IS Britain, so they have a good reason to drink, but I think the trend is easily applicable to North America as well. 

Of course, alcohol and college should get along famously. I mean, here you have a bunch of people who are there to live and learn, who are drinking a liquid that makes them forgetful and sometimes extremely nauseous, which means they have to both stay longer to learn and buy more food to eat. I mean, its win-win for everyone. The college gets more money for teaching them the stuff they keep forgetting, the cafeteria/supermarket/restaurants in the area sell a lot more food, and the bars and liquor stores... well, they do a nice bit of business. I'm surprised the schools aren't giving bars kickback to keep as many students drunk as possible without killing or injuring them. Or why don't they find a black bear and get him totally bombed on local beer... wait... that already happened didn't it. 

Damn you Samuel Adams! Damn you and your alluringly tasty memory-wiping elixir. Man, I can't even remember going to college now. I guess I am going to have to go back now. I guess this is one of those self-fulfilling conspiracies. Taste Great. Less Filling. 

Well, at least I remember that!

on Aug 23, 2004
The college gets more money for teaching them the stuff they keep forgetting, the cafeteria/supermarket/restaurants in the area sell a lot more food, and the bars and liquor stores... well, they do a nice bit of business.

!! Great post! . . . and a little Simpsons for you . . . "this time I'm drunk on love . . . and beer"

on Aug 23, 2004
Oh, you forgot the best one:

To alcohol! The cause of - and solution to - all of life's problems.