A little bit weird, a little bit political with a lot of humor.
Being left has never been a good thing to be....
Published on September 14, 2004 By historyishere In Politics

I was having a discussion with someone last night, and I mentioned that I originally wrote with my left hand, but as a child I was more than encouraged (rather forced) to use my right hand. The whole conversation made me think about the connotations of "left", as it usually always associated with things that were bad... like the Latin for left became 'sinister' and a word like Right became the basis of adroit, meaning Dexterous or deft.

And of course, you never say someone is out in right field outside of a baseball setting or they have two right feet either, nor do you get off on the left foot. And when you go back to the roots of the word left... well, it means palsy. Not to mention the 1600 references to hands in the Bible, most of which are in praise or acceptance of the right hand. This trend also extends to the Koran and the Torah. This deep-seeded idea of left and right even goes down into the subconscious, as demonstrated by the following:

The word left still has negative connotations. Recently a group of college freshmen and sophomores were asked their subjective feelings about the words left and right. Left was represented by bad, dark, profane, female, night, west, unclean, curved, limp, homosexual, weak, mysterious, low, ugly, incorrect, death. Right was thought to be good, right, saved, male, clean, day, east, straight, erect, strong, heterosexual, commonplace, high, beautiful, correct, life.

I am not going to get into the whole thing about the left being feminine/homosexual and right being masculine/heterosexual, because that would be the subject of an entirely different entry in and of itself. It is at this point that I get to the topic at hand, no pun intended. Given the above attitudes(and there are more I could have drawn on), does it not strike anyone as odd or weird(or perhaps fitting) that liberalism became the left side of the political spectrum. The hidden connotations of being on the Left are that you are bad, weak, wrong and so on, and incompetent. Is that really the case? I know some articles have been written on this site that indicate that the Left(as opposed to the Democrats) may be "Morally bankrupt" amongst other things, which was interesting. I mean, that would sort of play upon the idea that the Left was profane rather than righteous... oh wait, there is that darn bias again.

Just can't seem to get away from that kind of language when discussing the issue. Of course, to avoid the bias, I can't use words like correct, alert, regent, regular, rector, region, realm, rich, royal, rule or even dress... as these are all related to the word right in some way. Of course, most of those are things people would aspire to as well. Interesting how that works out. Seems almost like the Right has a natural advantage, doesn't it? Look at all those good words and connotations. 

I guess I understand why I was forced to be right-handed now.....

on Sep 14, 2004
I thought I read somewhere that it was because Senators or Reps, Liberal ones, used to sit on the left, and the more Conservative ones on the right.

I doubt this is right but it is the best answer I could offer.
on Sep 14, 2004
I just thought it was interesting that both the Left as a political position and as a hand have both been maligned for some of the same reasons... and it seemed a little too close to be coincidental....
on Sep 14, 2004
i believe the real reason is due to the seating arrangements for houses of congress.

if you would notice at a state of the union address, you can tell who is a democrat and who is a republican because of the side they sit on from the middle aisle where the president walks to the podium.

the left side would almost always rise for clinton, while they sit for bush's comments.
on Sep 14, 2004
Yeah, I guess so. I wouldn't really read much into it, though.
on Sep 14, 2004
Ha! I knew it had something to do with where they sit!
on Sep 14, 2004
history: fantastic article. My opinions tend to lean left whether I want them to or not, and I really despise the characterization that people like myself are immoral or crazy. I think the "left" is often about compassion, lifting up the fallen, and rooting for the underdog. These are Christlike attributes. Eh . . . I guess I'm just going to have to get used to the liberal stamp on my forehead, huh?
on Sep 14, 2004

Reply #6 By: Texas Wahine - 9/14/2004 7:00:48 PM
history: fantastic article. My opinions tend to lean left whether I want them to or not, and I really despise the characterization that people like myself are immoral or crazy. I think the "left" is often about compassion, lifting up the fallen, and rooting for the underdog. These are Christlike attributes. Eh . . . I guess I'm just going to have to get used to the liberal stamp on my forehead, huh

There is "absolutly " nothing wrong with being left of center! It only becomes wrong/bad if carried to extremes! And that includes the right too!
on Sep 14, 2004
I think there is nothing wrong with Liberals; I am pro-choice, for stem-cell research, and gay marriage. I just can't take the far-left, hypocritical, bomb-throwing crazy Liberals. I am a moderate, even if I slightly favor Bush at this point. I hate it when Liberals attack me and call me a "Far-right Conservative" just because I don't attack, lie about, or hate the president. That is the left I can't stand, not the mainstream lefties.
on Sep 14, 2004
I agree with DrMiler, the right can complain about the left, but they should have to follow the same standard as we expect the left to uphold.
on Sep 14, 2004
I think TheFazz is onto it. I'm pro-choice, for stem-cell research, believe the war on drugs is the real wrong war, and have no problem with gay marriage, either, all of which happens to be totally consistent with being a Goldwater Republican, which is the closest thing to an appropriate "label" I can think of for me. So us righties are more like you lefties than you think (at least some of us; actually a lot of us, I suspect). I also happen to be anti-bullshit, so the far out wackos on either side of the divide leave me cold.

And before there's a problem, I'm not in favor of drug use - I just happen to be convinced that prohibition doesn't work any better with drugs than it did with alcohol and merely fertilizes the fields where drug cartels and street gangs thrive. We now have thousands of little Al Capones all over the country. For some reason (Duh!) those with a vested interest in the incarceration industry are scared shitless by the concept of legalization, taxation & control of drug use.

on Sep 15, 2004
i believe the real reason is due to the seating arrangements for houses of congress.

Well, its sort of like that.... it derives from the Parliament after before the French revolution where the future revolutionaries(the poor and the radical) sat on the left while the nobles(the rich and regal as it were) sat on the right. Funny how that carried over, isn't it. Though again, it does show a predisposition.... because if you look at the list of what "right" gave root too, things like rule, rich, regal and realm... it would still seem to fit the pattern. I'm just throwing the idea out and running with it because its weird that I'm not really having trouble continuing find ways to connect the original argument with newly presented information.


I think there is nothing wrong with Liberals

If there was "nothing" wrong with being a Liberal, it couldn't have been used as a term of derision even to this day in American Politics(along with any affiliation with the ACLU). I certainly don't have a problem telling people I am a Liberal... I'm not radical or anything... I'm a lefty, and I admit it.
on Sep 17, 2004
When I was a kid and a natural righty, I became a switch hitter just because Stan the Man and Ted the Thumper batted on the left side--that is from the pitcher's vantage point. Was I being self right[eous] to do this or left[eous]?
on Sep 18, 2004
You were being 'mysterious' and sinister

But if you are feeling sinister
Go off and see a minister

Well, that might get me a Belle and Sebastian reference or two as well