A little bit weird, a little bit political with a lot of humor.
Let's Share!
Published on October 29, 2004 By historyishere In Misc
Nicknames... we've all had them in the past(at least I think we all have), and while some of them are good and some of them are simply awful, I think they all have a tendency to stick with us, like barnacles on the bow of our ship of memories. I thought it would be sort of interesting to talk about them. And I don't mean a name you picked for yourself for a login or other use. I mean, names you were given by other people. I would like this to be a positive experience, so if you don't want to talk about the negative ones, well, I wouldn't ask you to.

I had quite a few In high school, though most popular one was Shaggy... and I attained this moniker in as a sophomore, because I used to wear this ugly green tee-shirt and I had a crappy goatee and I was growing long hair at the time. At first it started as a mutual joke amongst our group of friends, and it just spread... and spread and spread, and it just stuck with me in a semi-permanent way... I mean, there were people who never knew me by any other name. Of course, I had another set of names too... like the Golden/Britannica Bear, but generally speaking that is not as interesting a story.

Of course, neither set of nicknames really made the transition to college too well, but they will always remain with me as part of who I am.

So, what are your stories?

Comments (Page 3)
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on Oct 30, 2004
I got variations on Katrina - kat-rina, kat-pee-na, reen, reena, trina, trina-arena, barina, beena (phonetic spelling) angel, Sa-ka-trina (you know the rice crackers sa-ka-ta?) pal (my dad calls me pal or reen) treen, my husband calls me beautiful, people used to call me Katrina to annoy me because I went my trina in one circle of friends. I also got Kat, Kat-tie, katie, rickety kate and ricki oh and teeny-tina.

Elana gets Elana-Grace, Elana Banana, Lana-banana, lana-bean (when she was in utero she was jellybean) Elana grumpy pants, goober, monkey, clever bubby and chubby-bubby, angel, pumpkin, you know all the foodie names:)

Nick gets gorgeous (me), partro (school friends), chick-pee (fishhead) picnic (my dads sisters) and nicky-noo-noo (his little sister) - but mostly just Nick
on Oct 30, 2004
That's a wide variety of nicknames... color me impressed
on Oct 30, 2004
Damn, trina . . . that's a lot of names!

My husband sometimes gets called "A" or "A1" . . . he's also "Huggy Bear" and "baby" to me (shhh . . . don't tell him I told!).
on Oct 30, 2004
i was a chubby baby and chubby kid...my first nicknames were "petunia" and "miss piggy"....an uncle of mine still calls me piggy...though i'd like to think that my weight is ok now lol
on Oct 30, 2004
My husband sometimes gets called "A" or "A1" . . . he's also "Huggy Bear" and "baby" to me (shhh . . . don't tell him I told!).

Its our little secret
on Oct 30, 2004
In High School, through the service, college, and into my 30s I was always called Moon. No, not for THAT reason. My last name is Mullins, and it came from the old comic strip Moon Mullins. I was also called Moon Dog, but only by one drunken friend.

These days I am called Saddle Tramp. It's my CB handle and it pretty much fits. I am a homeless, wandering cowboy just driving my truck from place to place. It's a good name. I like it.
on Oct 30, 2004
Hijo del Sol means "son of the sun." Not sure about Canche.

They called me Hijo del Sol because I was so fair complected and blond haired. Canche is another Guatemala term for someone who is very blond. They were big fans of the fair skin/blond hair combo down there.
on Oct 30, 2004
These days I am called Saddle Tramp. It's my CB handle and it pretty much fits. I am a homeless, wandering cowboy just driving my truck from place to place. It's a good name. I like it.

After seeing your picture, you certainly look like a cowboy....
on Oct 31, 2004
This is how geeky I am.... when you said mackintosh, the first thing that came to mind was Mackintosh as a raincoat.

You know what? That's pretty dam weird. I didn't even know that mackintosh was a raincoat

I knew that, but since I am a computer wonk, I figured it was related to the Apple computers!  Iknow it is spelled differently, but you know their motto.  Think Differently!

on Oct 31, 2004

Then there was "Teyamo" given to me when I started dating my wife, she had an awful time saying my name. She's from spain and claimes it means lover, but it could mean @sshole for all I know......

Tast, my wife is hispanic, but her mother is from Guadeljara.  And trust me, teyamo means I love you!

It is actually T'amo.  In french it is is 'Je T'aime'.  Very similar, and you are blessed.  kiss that girl!

on Oct 31, 2004
Let's see, I work in a jail so I have lot's of nicknames,like:

Whitey motherf***er, or C*cks*cker or A**hole but most of the time just plain vanilla Son of a Bitch...
on Oct 31, 2004
my "real name"
Alison Marie Watkins

My "nicknames" past and present

Nicknames in high school:
Al (given by my high school band director), Watskie (the speak teacher )Allie (in high school I went by this), Ally McBeal

nicknames throughout college--Allie, Allie Cat, Allie oop, A train, AMWatkin, AMCriminal,

and the worst nickname I've ever had--soul titties....don't even ask.
on Oct 31, 2004
I knew that, but since I am a computer wonk, I figured it was related to the Apple computers! Iknow it is spelled differently, but you know their motto. Think Differently!

That one makes sense too.

Ally McBeal

I wonder if anyone named Molly has gotten the nickname "molly mcbutter"

and the worst nickname I've ever had--soul titties....don't even ask.

I'm not. Let's just make that a don't ask, don't tell story
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