A little bit weird, a little bit political with a lot of humor.
The Vocem Chart Locator of American Politics
Published on September 1, 2004 By historyishere In Politics
Some told me about The Vocem Chart Locator of American Politics, and I found it so interesting(though a little crude in implementation) that I thought I would share it with everyone here.

If you don't know what a Vocem chart is(and I didn't when I first heard about this quiz), it is a political chart that has a third dimension to it, so it can make differentiations based on fiscal, corporate and cultural issues, so instead of having a line(2 general areas) or a square(4 general areas) as a reflection of your political spectrum, a Vocem chart is more like a cube with 8 regions, four in the front and four in the back. A longer, and better thought-out explanation of this concept is available here.

The quiz is 25 questions, and it gives how closely you fit into one of the 8 squares. My own results were as follows.

1: Liberal (100%) Big surprise
2: New Labour (75%)
3: Anarcho-syndicalist (73%)
4: Totalitarian (63%)
5: Libertarian (46%)
6: Traditional Societies (44%)
7: Authoritarian (35%)
8: Conservative (13%)

And here is the breakdown of where those categories would appear on the cube:

Back bottom right: conservative
Back top right: authoritarian
Front bottom right: the pattern of traditional societies (those without social and technological change with each generation)
Front top right: totalitarian
Back bottom left: libertarian
Back top left: New Labour
Front bottom left: anarcho-syndicalist
Front top left: liberal

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 01, 2004
Rank Item Percent
1: Liberal (100%)
2: Anarcho-syndicalist (88%)
3: New Labour (72%)
4: Totalitarian (67%)
5: Libertarian (59%)
6: Traditional Societies (58%)
7: Authoritarian (37%)
8: Conservative (25%)

on Sep 01, 2004
1: Traditional Societies (100%)
2: Anarcho-syndicalist (97%)
3: Libertarian (92%)
4: Liberal (88%)
5: New Labour (83%)
6: Totalitarian (81%)
7: Conservative (80%)
8: Authoritarian (70%)

Very interesting. I like how they managed to squeeze in important answers that are usually lacking in these types of tests. Now I'm going to have to look up "Anarcho-Syndicalist".
on Sep 01, 2004
1: Traditional Societies (100%)
2: Conservative (97%)
3: Libertarian (85%)
4: Anarcho-syndicalist (78%)
5: Authoritarian (52%)
6: Totalitarian (51%)
7: New Labour (40%)
8: Liberal (33%)

This test was obviously written by a liberal. As a conservative there were several questions where neither choice was accurate...for example, I don't know many people who would endorse the idea of having the government promote a particular religion; but I know a lot of people who endorse the idea of the gov't promoting Christian VALUES. There's a big difference.
on Sep 01, 2004

1: Libertarian (100%)
2: New Labour (98%)
3: Anarcho-syndicalist (92%)
4: Liberal (87%)
5: Conservative (43%)
6: Traditional Societies (42%)
7: Authoritarian (40%)
8: Totalitarian (33%)

I'm certainly libertarian, new labour, and liberal.

Then I went to dictionary.com and found out that syndicalism is "a radical political movement that advocates bringing industry and government under the control of federations of labor unions by the use of direct action, such as general strikes and sabotage."

Uh, no.
on Sep 01, 2004
Thanx for the defn. Vincible. Yes, I thought there were some questions that were a bit...er skewed. I certainly have a different defn. of a conservative then the author of the quiz.
on Sep 01, 2004
1: Liberal (100%)
2: Anarcho-syndicalist (96%)
3: New Labour (68%)
4: Libertarian (62%)
5: Traditional Societies (53%)
6: Totalitarian (50%)
7: Authoritarian (14%)
8: Conservative (12%)

Well, I'm definitely liberal, but some of these results are... a bit odd. And not entirely how I would describe myself.

on Sep 01, 2004
1: Liberal (100%)
2: Anarcho-syndicalist (84%)
3: New Labour (70%)
4: Totalitarian (65%)
5: Libertarian (52%)
6: Traditional Societies (51%)
7: Authoritarian (29%)
8: Conservative (10%)

Online Quiz's are always correct!

on Sep 01, 2004
Yes, I thought there were some questions that were a bit...er skewed. I certainly have a different defn. of a conservative then the author of the quiz.

That's why I used the word "Crude" when describing it. I am sure a better version will be along soon. But for a short quiz, it doesn't do a bad job of demonstrating the principle of a three-dimensional system.

on Sep 01, 2004
I'd say it was quite skewed, even for a fairly liberal person like me, especially regarding the art question the most liberal choice was all art should be supported then came pornography should be outlawed. Where did that come from? Then it was no art should be supported. Very skewed but intresting.
on Sep 01, 2004
1: Anarcho-syndicalist  (100%)
2: Libertarian  (98%)
3: Traditional Societies  (88%)
4: Conservative  (77%)
5: Liberal  (70%)
6: New Labour  (68%)
7: Totalitarian  (56%)
8: Authoritarian  (47%)
on Sep 01, 2004

I agree it's kind of crude but I think there are ways to make the data kind of make sense for our purposes.

Imagine a scale.  Take your lieral percentage and conservative percentage and put them on each scale. That will tell you how liberal or conservative you are.

So if you are 90% liberal and 30% conservative, you're mostly liberal and vice versa. 

If I were modeling this for a game I would take the conservative value and subtract the liberal value.  At 0 you're an "independent". Negative values would be liberal and positive values conservative.  If your net value is >67 or <-67 you're probably close to a "radical" conservative/liberal.

on Sep 01, 2004
GAH! I tried to copy/paste my results, but it mucked up!

Anyway, I came up 100% Libertarian. Seriously.
on Sep 01, 2004
I believe you Gideon
on Sep 01, 2004
historyishere: Interesting post.

Here are my results:

1: Liberal (100%)
2: Totalitarian (86%)
3: Anarcho-syndicalist (81%)
4: Traditional Societies (68%)
5: New Labour (63%)
6: Authoritarian (45%)
7: Libertarian (44%)
8: Conservative (26%)

he he he . . . I never thought of myself as a liberal per se . . . hmmm . . . guess I was wrong, huh?
on Sep 01, 2004
1: Anarcho-syndicalist (100%)
2: Liberal (97%)
3: Libertarian (73%)
4: New Labour (73%)
5: Traditional Societies (72%)
6: Totalitarian (65%)
7: Conservative (36%)
8: Authoritarian (34%)
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